Resource Resolver Object in AEM6.x Services

As we know that getAdministrativeResourceResolver() method has been deprecated from ResourceResolverFactory interface in AEM6 and above versions. Then the question is-
Q1). How to get ResourceResolver object in Sling services in AEM6.0 and above versions?
If you are working with AEM6 or AEM6.1 then you have two options-
If you know the credentials of a User and want that user credential in your service, then go with getResourceResolver() method.
Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();            
try {
      resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver(param);
}catch (Exception e){
If you don’t have user credentials and want to access ResourceResolver object then you have to use
getServiceResourceResolver() method. as shown below –
Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();
try {
    resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);
}catch (Exception e){
Note:In this case you have to add a configuration in your Felix Console to your AEM instance.
Q2). What configuration I need to do for AEM6.0?
For AEM6.0,  configuration steps are-
Go to Felix Console configuration tab i.e. http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
Search for User Mapping as shown in figure-
Click on this service to edit it’s configuration.
Here you have to add one entry and the syntax of the entry is-
“Bundle symbolic Name”:”SubServieName”=”User Name”
1. Bundle symbolic Name:-  Here you have to add the bundle symbolic name where you are creating a service.

2. SubServieNaem:- This is the name you provided as a value of  ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE property i.e. “testService”.
3. User Name:- This  is the user name for ex. “admin” So in my case this configuration field value becomes “” After adding this entry to configuration looks like-


Now everything is set for AEM6.0.

Q3). Will these configurations work for AEM6.1?
Q4). What configuration, do I need for AEM6.1?
If you are working with AEM6.1 that you have to complete all steps explained for AEM6.0. To make these configurations  working for AEM6.1, you have to ensure that the “jcr:PrimaryType” of your user is “rep:SystemUser” i.e if you are trying to use “admin” user. Then it will not work as it’s “jcr:PrimaryType” value is  “rep:User”.
Q5). What do you mean by “jcr:PrimaryType” as “rep:SystemUser”?
It means that user is just not a repository user. It must be system user.
Q6). How to create System User in AEM6.0?
For creating System Users, follow these steps-


  1. Go to CRX Explorer http://localhost:6502/crx/explorer/index.jsp
  2. Login as Administrator, i.e. using “admin: admin”
  3. Click on “User Administration”, you will see a screen just like this- 
  4. Here you will see a option of “Create System User”, Click on this button.
  5. Add a value for User Id field for ex. testUser. 
  6. Click on green button. Close the window. Go to CRXDE Lite, your testUser will be created under /home/system directory. If you are not able to find then search for testUser in home screen. You will get the location.


Q7). How to use this user?
In your “Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service” configuration changes your entry from- to
Q8). Should I do this configuration at “Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service” configuration or should I create a “Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment” service configuration?
You can do it by both ways. But as “Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service” is a service factory in AEM6.1 so as best practices you should create another service configuration by clicking on plus button at the front of “Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment”.
When you click on “+” button, one new configuration will be created at the end. Click on that  service and do this configuration there. Your code will work in the same manner as working before.


Happy Coding
Namah Shivay